Minimalist Lifestyle Tips for Your Home
Sep 7, 2023 / Laura Bolt
In a world full of impulse buys and free shipping, it’s no wonder we’re dealing with more clutter than ever. Could the solution be in embracing a more minimalist lifestyle?
Minimalism requires getting clear on your values and aligning your choices with those values, says Kristen Ziegler, owner of professional organizing company Minima.
“The result is stronger boundaries and higher standards, which lead to less clutter,” she says. “Most people think of clutter in terms of physical items, but it can also show up in the form of relationship clutter, calendar clutter, career clutter, and so on.”
If you want to take the first step toward minimalism, some expert advice can go a long way in making your intention a reality.
Read on for minimalist lifestyle tips that will show you how you can live more with less.
Take Stock of Your Stuff
It’s nearly impossible to reduce your stuff without knowing how much stuff you must reduce, so the first step is taking stock of everything you’ve got on hand in the category of focus. The process is the same whether you tackle your wardrobe or your kitchen or another space first.
“A trip to The Container Store is often thought of as the first step toward getting organized, but it’s best when saved for last,” says Ziegler. And you may not even end up needing to go!
Ziegler begins client sessions by pulling out everything, sorting like items together, and then helping the client decide what stays or goes.
Use these categories to help sort your own items:
- Keep
- Sell
- Donate
- Fix/repair
- Toss
“Once these steps are completed, the organizing piece is often simple,” Ziegler explains. “Facing what has been accumulated head on is a great way to avoid re-cluttering.”
During the process you may have noticed the kinds of things you tend to buy the most of and can then be more mindful to avoid such purchases in the future.
After this major purge, it’s important to schedule a few times a year to repeat a smaller version of the process so you can maintain your minimalist environment. Go ahead and put these maintenance check-ins on your calendar!
And remember, you don’t have to do it all in a day. Take your time and really consider your belongings so the process, and results, aren’t rushed.
Can Feng Shui help your space feel cleaner? We think so.
Mind Over Matter
If the idea of a minimalist lifestyle feels intimidating, take a step back and adjust your expectations.
“There are no rules about how many items you must have in your life in order to be minimalist,” says organizer Michele Delory of Modern & Minimalist.
Minimalism is about having just the right number of items to allow you more time to enjoy life and feel good in your own space, she explains.
If ending up with a sterile, blank space has you hesitating, rest assured there’s nothing in the minimalist playbook keeping you from expressing your personality through artwork and decor.
“Minimalism isn’t about restriction or limitation,” says Ziegler. “It’s about having freedom and making space for what matters. Like any new habit, it can take time to build the muscle.”
For Delory, gratitude is the cornerstone of letting go. As she learned from the KonMari Method [Marie Kondo’s method], thank your items for serving you, then say goodbye.
Taking the time to donate, give away, or sell what you no longer need also makes this easier.
“Knowing [belongings] are going to be used again and not end up in landfill,” Delory says, “will help make you feel more comfortable about letting go.”
“Plus, knowing your unneeded items could bring value to someone else’s life is a great motivator,” adds Ziegler.
We’ve got more info on the KonMari method right this way.
Quality, Not Quantity
For many, the key to happiness when adopting a minimalist lifestyle is not just having less stuff, but having better quality items that enhance your life.
Remember Kondo’s adage to give away anything that doesn’t “spark joy”? It caught on for a reason!
Investing in well-made, sturdy items will result in things that last longer and don’t need to be replaced as quickly, so you don’t end up with as many duplicates—or items that you meant to toss out but end up stashed at the back of a closet.
These are a few helpful rules many minimalists swear by to stay organized:
- “1 in, 1 out.” When something new comes into your home, a like item goes out. Keep this rule in mind when you’re shopping to help reduce clutter while keeping possessions up to date.
- Don’t buy a new item until the previous version is completely used up.
- If it’s not broke, don’t fix it! You may be tempted to go for the newest, shiniest version of the latest gadgets, but unless it’s a necessity, use what you have until it’s unrealistic or impractical.
- Everything in its place. Whether it’s stacked storage boxes, pinboards, nesting trays, or shelves, having a designated place for all of your belongings will keep clutter at bay, which helps reduce stress.
- Timing matters. If you haven’t used, worn, or practiced something in the past year, it’s probably time to let it go. Live in a way that makes sense for who you are now.
- Limit “just in case” items. Of course, it’s important to keep emergency provisions on hand, but for things that aren’t pressing and can be purchased easily, just say no.
Need more quick storage tips? We’ve got you covered on our blog.
Embrace Off-Site Storage
Luckily, living a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t have to mean saying goodbye personally. Renting an off-site storage unit can help you open things up without the finality of giving something away.
Public Storage has options in a variety of convenient storage unit near you. Our eRental program lets you book contactless move-ins that will help you channel your inner minimalist with ease.