Artificial Christmas Tree Storage
Dec 5, 2023 / Matthew Sanderson
We can think of so many reasons to switch to a fabulous faux Christmas tree this year. After all, you could finally avoid hauling a pine on the roof of your car and eliminate related scratches and sap stains.
Plus depending on which option you choose, you can buy a tree with lights, even decorations, already hanging from its boughs.
Now all you need to know are the best ways to tackle artificial Christmas tree storage so you can enjoy it for years to come.
“We see some folks leave the tree fully decorated, then wrap it in plastic wrap,” said Brandon Stephens, president of The Decor Group a company that offers professional Christmas decorating services. “Keeping the tree free from dust and dirt helps extend the life of the tree.”
This option may not appeal to people who enjoy decorating every year. But just remember, extra time can be especially magical during this very busy season.
How to Store a Fake Christmas Tree
After the last gift is unfurled and the season has ended, whatever you do, don’t just shove your faux tree uncovered in a closet, or in a cardboard box without proper covering. Dust and grime are the enemies of sparkling Christmas joy.
If that box goes back in a basement, dirty attic or garage where temperature changes, moisture could damage and change the color of the tree.
And be mindful of where you place your stored Christmas tree so you don’t easily knock it or let it fall over. If stored vertically, keep the tree attached to its stand to help balance it. Returning it to its original box could be an economical, space-saving option, but be sure to keep a cardboard box away from moisture, sunlight and drafts.
“Bottom line, the cleaner the better, the dryer the better,” said Stephens.
Trees often come in sections such as a base middle and top. For setup, you would insert the bottom section into the tree stand and unfurl the folded branches then attach and repeat with the middle then the top sections. To store in a box, just perform these steps in reverse. Be gentle when you take it apart.
“If you don’t want to squish it, we have storage bags,” said Bryan Gold, media manager at Aldik Home, a deluxe home decor store specializing in artificial Christmas trees.
The storage bag provides the option of less compression on the tree, and it puts less stress on the hinges. You can even slip the bag over the tree while leaving the ornaments on.
If you follow this easy advice, your tree can stay looking great when you go to unpack it next year!
Choosing an Artificial Tree
Like any product, you have a range of quality and price points available when it comes to fake Christmas trees. To some, the quality doesn’t matter. You’re simply going to cover it with lights and ornaments anyway. You could head to your closest Walmart, Home Depot or click over to Amazon to find some budget-friendly options.
Or, if you want to go big, you could also order a tree from a place like Aldik’s in Los Angeles, featured in an episode of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” where the priciest trees can cost more than $2,000, but a sale this year cut 40% off that price.
The store mostly features the luxury tree brand Neuman, which offers a 10-year warranty and comes in various heights. Individual hinges connect to each branch.
All of its tree foliage features either molded plastic pine needles – which look and feel like the real deal, or PVC filler material. The trees come with incandescent lights, which are the classic light style, as well as LED lights, in a range of color options. All Neuman lights have a four-year warranty, and the lights come attached to each branch tip, giving the perfect, even display! You just plug it in, sit back and enjoy!
“It’s easy to fluff up,” said Gold.
Stephens’ company features Barcana brand artificial trees.
“Performance is big, and warranty is important,” he said. “If you have to replace a tree every two years, versus it being warrantied for say, 25 years, the latter is worth a whole lot more.”
No matter what tree you buy, give it the care your holiday memories deserve. And protect your vintage ornaments, too, with tips on our blog. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, we have some great Elf on the Shelf ideas.